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Contact Us

What we do best is listen to your wishes and offer you the best fit for your group. Our main goal is to make sure you get a first taste of everything BiH has to offer concerning your budget and interests. Please contact us and let's build your trip to BiH together.

Your name *
City and country *Tell us where are you from (city and country).
E-mail *
Phone number *
Size of your group? *
• How many days would you like to stay in the most beautiful country in the world? *
Your budget? Give us an idea of your budget per person so we can offer you the best value for your money?
Type of activities? What type of activities you are interested in?
Your expectation? What do you expect from your adventure in BiH?
Tell us more about your ideal trip.

Who we are

Welcome to our travel agency, where passion meets purpose in connecting the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the vibrant communities of Belgium and the Netherlands. As a Bosnian native who has called Belgium home for nearly three decades, I am deeply passionate about sharing the unparalleled beauty and rich cultural heritage of my homeland with travelers from across Europe.


+32 496 44 11 80

About Us

Dobro došli! Welcome to our travel agency, where passion meets purpose in connecting the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the vibrant communities of Belgium and the Netherlands. As a Bosnian native who has called Belgium home for nearly three decades, I am deeply passionate about sharing the unparalleled beauty and rich cultural heritage of my homeland with travelers from across Europe.

Contact Info

Go2Bosna is property of
DAL Projects bv
Ten Bogaerdeplein 16
2650 Edegem
+32 496 44 11 80
VAT: BE0803214537

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